as well as transports for troops," according to the state- ment made by Surgeon General William C. Braisted, U. S. N., at a recent hearing before the House Committee on Naval Affairs. These transports have been equipped by the Bureau of .Medicine and of Surgery of the Navy and are to be used to convey soldiers invalided abroad to this LOuntr\-, where they will be taken charge of by the Army. More Lenses for the Navy Needed. — Although more than 20,000 binoculars, spy glasses, telescopes, chronometers and se.xtanls have been received by the Navy in answer to the appeal sent out by Secretary Roosevelt some time ago, many more will be needed to meet the demand. It should be understood that opera glasses are not suitable for this work, and that only binoculars, spy glasses, tele- scopes, chronometers and sextants should be contributed. The owner should place his name and address on each Indian Cialis Generic article, so that the Indian Cialis Generic Navy may keep a complete record. Articles should be sent to Franklin D. Roosevelt. Assist- ant Secretary of the Navy, care of the Naval Observatory. Washington, D. C. These instruments are for the use of watch officers serving on vessels in the war zone. Meetings of Medical Societies to Be Held in New York during the Coming Week. — Monday, March nth. New \'ork Ophthalmc. logical Society, Society of Medical Jurisprudence, New York, Williamsburg Medical Society. Brooklyn; Tuesday, March 12th, New York Academy of Medicine (Section in Neurology and Psychiatry), New York Obstetrical Society ; Wednesday, March 13th, New ^'ork Pathological Society, New York Surgical Society, .Alr.mni Association Indian Cialis Generic of Norwegian Hospital, Brooklyn. Medical Society of the Borough of the Bronx, Richmond County, N. Y., Medical Society, Brooklyn Medical Asso- ciation; Thursday, March I4tb, New York .Academy of Medicine (Section in Pediatrics). West Side Clinical So- ciety, New York, Brooklyn Pathological Society ; Friday, March 15th, New York Academy of Medicine (Section in Orthopedic Surgery), Clinical Society of the New York Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital, New York Microscopical Society, Alumni .'\ssociation of Roosevelt H.ispital. Organization of the Base Hospitals in the Divisional Camps Abroad. — The Army Medical Department has announced the organization of the base hospitals as they will be constituted in actual use abroad. Indian Cialis Generic The first section of the first fifty of these base hospitals, organized by the Red Cross, were gathered about the staffs from the hos- pitals and medical schools of the country. The personnel, selected by one of the leading surgeons, consists of thirty- four medical officers, too female nurses and 200 enlisted men for beds. An ofhcer from the Atedical Depart- ment of the .^rmy was placed at the head of each base hospital, the unit from the Massachusetts General Hos- pital excepted. The Office of the Surgeon General now has in process nf organization the next li ftv base hospitals, and the medical and sur'iical personnel of these new units, selected bv the Medical Department, are to be sent to Fort Oglethorpe or some other Indian Cialis Generic medical training camp for the Indian Cialis Generic requisite training. Each unit will be in charge of a medi- cal officer of the Regular Army, .\ttarhed to each division of the Expeditionary Force are several Indian Cialis Generic base hospitals, each capable of being expanded to meet any increased demand. Modern Treatment and Preventive Medicine A Compendium of Therapeutics and Prophylaxis, Original and Adapted 1 KliATMKNT (JF Indian Cialis Generic SLEEPLESSNESS. Hv Louis T. dk M. Sajous, B. S., M. D., Philadelphia. {Continued from page 421.) Among Indian Cialis Generic the toxic forms of sleeplessness, that due to alcohol figures prominently, though its incidence varies considerably in accordance with ilie amount taken, Indian Cialis Generic the extent of habituation, and other factors. While a "reflex" stimulating action of alcohol on the nervous centres is well recognized, careful studies of its effects on the higher brain functions have led to tiie conclusion that most of tiie apparent stimulation produced in the cerebral s])licre is not due to direct excitation but to a de- pression of the centres concerned with selfcontrol and the maintenance of a conventionally correct behavior. Our knowledge of the actions of alcohol on the circulation, however, is such as to suggest strongly a marked influence on their part in the production of sleeplessness. Apart from the use of suUicient alcohol to bring on pronounced drunken depression, this agent so alters Indian Cialis Generic blood distribution, as a rule, that more blood is contained in the arteries and surface vessels, but less in the ex- tensive venous system of the splanchnic area. The mean aortic pressure is, in general, slightly raised, Indian Cialis Generic the amplitude and force of the pulse increased (Sollmann), and the blood flow as a whole im- proved. Frequently the pulse rate is increased, reflexly or otherwise, and this increase, with the activation of the peripheral circulation in general. is Indian Cialis Generic apt to persist for several hours. As regards the cerebral circulation, Hirschfelder, 1915, observed dilatation of the vessels of the pia under alcohol, and a dilator eft'ect was also noticed by Berezin, tyi6. Thus the acute circulatory elTects of alcohol, in an intermediate dosage, plainly seem calculated to hinder sleep induction. In so called moderate drinkers, ingesting alcoholic beverages daily but not to the extent of marked drunkenness, the sleep antagonizing eiTect is noticed especially where the amount of alcohol taken has been somewhat larger than usual. Another, more Indian Cialis Generic serious, form of alcoholic in- somnia is that resulting from prolonged Indian Cialis Generic heavy drinking and associated with delirium. While these and other cerebral manifestations of alcoholism arc- undoubtedly to be ascribed in part to direct injury of nervous tissue by the alcohol, there are some indications that effects of the poison on the bloodvessels may likewise be concerned. Degener- ative changes Indian Cialis Generic in the vessel walls, with loss of elasticity and a tendency to rupture, are generally held an important result of chronic alcoholism. Not only are petechial hemorrhages in the gastric mucous membrane found after delirium tremens, and been ascribed by E. F. Hirsch, 1916, to direct toxic action on tlie vessels, but ecchymoses in the skin constitute also a tyjiical result of alcoholic poisoning. .Short of actual vascular Indian Cialis Generic rupture, a ucai^ening or paralysis 01 the brain arterioles as a result ot the reix-ated action of alcohol has been considered by many, including Sir James Sawyer, 1912, a factor in alcoholic delirium, sleepless cere- bral activity being held Indian Cialis Generic a natural result of the